Still trying to figure this thing out, and learning how to use html.
I think I'm html-deficient or something, but hey, at least I'm getting SOMETHING done.

I've given up on trying to get my pictures to work on this..
It's a waste of time, energy, and memory.
So... when I get the time I'll link everything to my yahoo photo albums.
They're still stranded there for now, so go
here for my Yahoo photos.
I've started to post my pix there... eventually I'll have them all, I hope.

Go to my Asian Avenue page too even tho it's not really interesting!

Also... I managed to get a quotes page up..
All text, requires the least talent. =P
But yeah, go here for quotes.

Minor update.. I put up a CTY page, but it has absolutely nothing on it at this point.
Eventually it will have memories, links to pictures, and more..
So come back later. A lot later. =P

Yet another minor update -
I've started creating links to the yahoo photos (finally, I know).
However, I don't have the time to make this site pretty at this point,
so it's all going to be black and white, with absolutely no organized layout.
I haven't even figured out how to make nice titles yet....
Hopefully I'll get it done eventually, and maybe Cassie or someone will help me if they're feeling nice.
Until then tho, you're just going to have to live with it =P

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